
Collecting Rain Water 雨水を集める

After arriving Bocas del Toro, We haven't moved from here. First days, we were anchoring in front of Bocas town. We had party music noise so loudly until 3AM , from Thursday to weekend. So it was difficult to sleep. Also many Rancha ( spee…

on a Boat across Carribbean sea⛵

I met to this captain at Jeremie sail maker house in Martinique when we were making sails for the bamboo raft. Jeremie and Lydia kindly let us stay in their house. Jeremie let me use his surfboard and gave me a lift to go to surfing beach …

Sweet Melody

2019,2月15日 Trinidad に帰ってきた!里帰りした気分でした。何年経っても変わらずトリニダードとスティールパンを愛する日本人の仲間たちが明るく元気にパワフルにすごしているトリニダード。おかげさまで安心して訪れることができます。地球の反対側の…

On the beach of St.Lucia

After several argument with the captain of beautiful bamboo raft, I got an order to get off the boat. It was on the sea we were anchoring. Then one speed boat came to us and asked if we need any help. The captain asked him to tow our raft,…

Arrived at St.Lucia

We arrived at St Lucia island ( next to Martinique) with Bamboo boat in safe! 隣の島サンタルシアにつきました!

Bamboo raft charange 竹のイカダに出会った

こんにちは! とってもスローすぎて先日は竹のイカダすら下船させられそうになった私ですが ゆっくり私なりのブログを書いていこうと思います! ほとんど船の経験もゼロですが いつか自分の船を持ってサーフトリップしたいという夢に近づくため 大西洋をボー…