Collecting Rain Water 雨水を集める

After arriving Bocas del Toro, We haven't moved from here.
First days, we were anchoring in front of Bocas town. We had party music noise so loudly until 3AM , from Thursday to weekend. So it was difficult to sleep. Also many Rancha ( speed boat for passengers) pass every moment with so much speed, so our boat moves,,,,
A few days after arrival, We were 6 people in the boat, captain, captain's brother Fabi, captain' s friend Segolenn from Martinique, Mika from France, Mila's son Nino ( 8 years old! And very good surfer ) and me. So we were moving whole boat to go to surf spot which is not so far.
From second day , we went to surf. Everybody was so excited to get waves! Me, not so much...
For one year, I haven't surfed , so I had a bit hesitation to surf.
Also I am not good at surf with other friends.
Because I don't know which wave came to me or to friends. I don't want to take friends wave by mistake.

I have to learn how to enjoy my surfing with relaxed feeling.
Only 8 years old Nino was so relax and looked like an Angel in the water.
He sings a song , laugh and play in surf, so I liked to be close to him and I was happy to give him waves.
And he also gives me waves!!
He respects other adults, he wait long time aside when other adults are occupying the peak. He
doesn't try to skip the wave waiting line up while other members do this. This is not good manner on surf.
So I was surprised at Nino's respectful attitude in the water .
Nino also like to go hunting lobster and crabs.
We often went snorkeling when no surf day.
We got many lobsters. Mika, Nino, captain, captain brother are very good at skin diving and hunting.

One day we went to surf spot named Carenero point, We saw another French sail boat anchored beside us and many young members came out with surfboards. They were 4 Longboard girls, and one short board man who is captain of this yellow boat.
We were so happy to meet them. We enjoyed surf together.
I liked surf with people who starting to be surfer.
3 girls were just started surf , I see how they are enjoying just trying to paddle and catch waves.
When successfully catch, I can feel their joy and I remember how happy I was when I also started to become surfer. Every trying and error was so great joy.
Now, it is still joyful but not same as when I started.

This yellow boat "Aito" and our boat " Amazone" are still friends , anchoring next to each other in the village named " old banks" .
In here, we have 2 more French boats we became friends.

One boat is "Tawun" means " wind" in French Guiana language.They lived in French Guiana and one girl was born in there. Her name is Lilou. She teaches me French so kindly and with patience.
She made me word practice cards with her drawing. I learnd the words like " brush" , " baskets" , " bird" in French.
They have also twins ( girl and boy) who has 3 years old. They are so cute!

Another boat is " Tad Alu", Aluminium boat.

i feel a little bit sad because of I cannot join to conversations in this French boats. Especially when they are laughing.
I want to laugh together.

With this 4 boats together, we surfed a lot in Bocas del Toro!

And I made so good kids friends !
My difficulty of French speaking helped me connect to children more than adults.

Our Captain Basti put one seat of canvas which he sewed for collecting rain water.
I noticed we can drink rain water , and it tastes better than tap water.
So collecting water become my job.
When rain starts, I jump to outside and put buckets.
We all take shower in the rain. When rain starts, we take our soap and start washing in outside.

Otherwise we have to buy water and keep in the tank.

I noticed how rain is important to get free water. I don't like buying water, I don't like somebody in the world selling water for making money. We better use more rain water.

日本語でブログを書くと 日本語を自由に書けるだけに 何を書いたらいいかな どうでもいいことは書きたくないし と悩んでしまって しばらくブログがかけなくなりました。
 その後 今ここを楽しんで生きる!というモットーができて 今ここの景色も見ずに 携帯電話の小さい画面とにらめっこしてブログを書く気が起こらなくなってしまいました。

 でも アートというか 詩のように その時出てきたフィーリングで なにか漠然としたことを書くのも

 パナマのボカ デ トロ についてから 全く動かず3ヶ月。サーフィンしている毎日でした。
 あとは 古びたティーシャツで船で着る部屋着のようなビキニを作ったり 雨傘からウォータープルーフスカートを作ったり(?!)
 生地が手に入らない中で リメイクとっても楽しんでいました。

 あとは 飲水やシャワーのための雨水を集めるのが とても嬉しいと気づきました。
 雨水の味は ピュアで軟水で美味しいです。もちろん 色々汚染とかあるのかもしれませんが ふりはじめの雨は なるべくシャワーや洗濯に回すようにしています。

 最近 水を売ろうとする多国籍企業が 
ありますが 水は みんなが無料で得られるはずの 天からの贈り物なはずなのに 独占してお金に変えている人たちがいることが 嫌で 水を買うのはなるべく控えようと思っています。

 ボカ デ トロ では 黄色くて可愛い「aito」という船の キャプテンと若い女子達とサーフィンを一緒に出来て楽しかったです。
 他にも フランス国籍のボート2隻と友達になって どの船のみんなも 子供までサーフィンするので みんなで毎日サーフィン出来て ほんとに楽しかったです!


